Monday, December 14, 2015


In the U.S., 2016 election cycle has been in full
swing for months. Politicians are spending millions to
make sure next year produces exactly the results they
desire! But I wonder about the rest of us. I see people
busy with the holidays and daily activities, but I wonder
if we are as focused on 2016 as we should be.
All of us are busy. We work hard, do our daily chores and
pursue our intentions to exercise more, spend time with the
kids, do a little reading or volunteer at a local charity.
It all adds up and it becomes "too much!"
And I know that sometimes newsletters like this sort of
"pile-on" and make us feel guilty for not doing even more!
That is never my intention! My intention is to call us back
to our true selves and to focus our time and energy on the
things that matter most. My intention is to help us develop
strategies so that our time and effort produce the results
we truly want.
So, in that light, here are a few friendly reminders to
make 2016 your "best year ever!"
1. We become what we think about most of the time. The old
advice about positive thinking makes a difference. It's
easy to worry about problems, but if you want 2016 to be a
better year, think better thoughts! Use posters, signs and
small daily rituals to motivate yourself. Laugh more.
Practice optimism.
2.  Spend time with yourself. Some of us need lots of alone
time, others need very little, but we all need some. Take
time to think, to ponder, to dream. Schedule time with the
most important person in your life and re-discover your
passions, your curiosity, your strengths. Sip tea. Go for a
walk. Watch a sunrise. Take notes.
3.  Spend time with people. Sometimes I think conversation
is a lost art. Listen to your children. Visit a neighbor,
interview a colleague and really listen to them. Make
contact with an old friend, cuddle with your lover. Human
connection is vital and too often we confuse passing in the
hallways of life with actual intimacy. Take time to look
into their eyes. Hold hands. Connect.
4.  Schedule Fun First. As long-time subscribers know, I'm
a fan of year-at-a-glance wall calendars and I'm convinced
the first things to schedule are family birthdays,
celebrations, vacations and holidays. Rarely will you look
back and remember a day at the office, but your family will
remember days at the beach, birthday surprises and special
vacations for a hundred years! Mark your calendars with
first things first.
5.  Make Goals, Set Targets. The most important steps for
personal success in 2016 are to plan your benchmarks. You
need specific, measurable targets for every important goal,
so have the courage to think them through and write them
down! How much will you earn? What will you achieve in
2016? How will you measure it? Who will help you? What
challenges must be solved?
These are important questions and to make 2016 your best
year ever, you must ponder and answer them. But don't
confuse your business goals with living a great life! One
is your job, the other is your life! Yes, we all want to
make more money and be more successful in 2016, but keep
things in perspective and put first things first. Enjoy
yourself. Have fun. Love well. Laugh often. Then set goals,
get a strategy, and make more money! I think you'll like
the results.

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