Friday, December 18, 2015


In business, there is no success without the proper tools.
Every now and then, this principle comes home in a powerful
way. A mentor of mine shared this, “A while back, Mary and I rented a condo for a
delightful weekend at the beach and everything was perfect
except for one thing--the tools in the kitchen were a
collection of junk, including dull knives that renters
would not bother to steal. I wrote a TIPS about going into
town to buy a sharp, high-quality knife. When it came to
carving the turkey, it made all the difference!
Recently, I had a similar experience with my computer.
Practicing what I've recommended to others, we invested in
new computers and hardware so we'll begin 2016 with faster
and more reliable equipment. Unfortunately, my new desktop
didn't have the "look and feel" I've gotten used to.
Windows has an infinite number of settings and variations,
and the new machine didn't "feel" the way it should.
On Thursday, I had my tech guy come back and make some
changes. He moved some software around, adjusted the
settings and voila! "My" computer was back! It makes all
the difference!
Over and over, as I coach business owners and leaders, I
see them struggling with out-dated procedures, old
equipment, or inadequate skills. They say they "can't
afford" new tools. They "can't afford" to hire a coach,
attend the seminars, up-date their marketing materials or
learn new techniques. They "can't afford" the experts they
need or the tools of their trade. No wonder they are
floundering, failing and (too often) going broke!
Invest in the tools of your trade! Get the equipment to do
your best work. Whether it's a major investment or just a
new laptop, buy good tools! You cannot afford to handicap
yourself with out-dated skills or last-year's attitudes.
Invest in the tools of your trade!

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