Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I love the classic line from Charles Dickens, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Truly, these are the best (or worst) of times and the beauty of it is, you get to choose!When I watch the news, these are clearly the worst of times. Economic chaos threatens our homes, our auto industry, our banks, and our retirement funds. Our health is threatened by swine flu just when our health care system is falling apart, and our computers are threatened by the "confiker" virus. Terrorists threaten Pakistan and of course, global warming is going to drown us all--unless an asteroid strikes earth and blow us up first. Even Las Vegas is suffering, so things are really bad!On the other hand, terrorists have not shot up my neighborhood in recent memory. My tomatoes (and my crab grass) are coming up right on schedule, there's food in my pantry, my truck is full of gas, my neighbors and my clients seem to like me, and Mary hasn't left me (yet). My dog is at my feet, the sun is shining and birds are singing in the trees. I just enjoyed a great cigar and a good book. Surely, this is the best of times????Who's to decide?Here's the nugget: YOU DO!This week I read one of Dean Koontz' recent books, Odd Hours. Koontz is a prolific writer with a delightfully twisted perspective and his hero, a guy named Odd Thomas (who sees dead people) avoids "contemporary TV, contemporary politics, contemporary art: all too frantic, fevered, and frivolous, or else angry, bitter." Apparently, when your job as a short-order cook is frequently interrupted by the spirits of dead people needing help in their migration to the next world, life is complicated enough without watching the news. While Koontz' whimsical perspective is fun, it contains much truth. If a fry cook's life is too complex to tolerate the news, how about yours (and mine)?
I've been struck, and troubled, by what President Carter once called a spirit of "malaise." I can't speak for the nation, much less the world, but I can report that I've had too many conversations with folks who are worried, anxious, distracted and fearful. Even my spam has turned negative! Instead of telling me I've inherited millions from an unknown relative, now I get warnings about the flu or promising help with my debts! When spam turns negative, I know the world is going to hell in a hand-basket.Well, don't you believe it! I once heard the Dalai Lama say that the basic desire of all human beings is to "be happy." We long for peace, contentment, pride, satisfaction, love and happiness, and the truth is, it's all around us.In many of his programs and presentations, Tony Robbins talks about people who say the one thing they want is "peace of mind," while living frenzied, hectic lives that leave no room for a peaceful moment, much less peace of mind. He points out that peace of mind is available to all of us, any time we want it. Soak in a hot-tub, take a walk, read some poetry, meditate or pray. Peace of mind is available, but not while watching the news or arguing with our kids.I suggest that happiness largely results from an attitude of gratitude. These are the "best of times" if we choose to make them so.
Most TIPS readers are healthy. We are educated. We have friends and opportunity is all around us. We are, by any reasonable standard, wealthy. We can travel, read the best books ever written. We can start businesses, learn new languages or other skills, we can change our minds, and our lives. This week, as an experiment, turn off the news and have a conversation. Turn off the television and turn on Mozart, Beethoven, or Streisand. Worry less and laugh more. Leave work early and invite a friend to dinner, play catch with your kids or walk the dog. Make love more or feed the pigeons at a local park. Give thanks for the roof over your head and a warm bed at night, or perhaps volunteer at a food pantry or pass out balloons at the local hospital. I think you'll find your life is richer and much better. You may even find yourself feeling "happy!"

Quotes of the Week
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world." -- Anne Frank
"A moment of choice is a moment of truth. It's the testing point of our character and competence." -- Stephen Covey
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." -- Zig Ziglar
"Trust that still, small voice that says, This might work and I'll try it." -- Diane Mariechild

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