Monday, July 5, 2010


This Wednesday marks the half-way point in the year and it’s
a great time to take stock and see how you’re doing. At the
beginning of the year, almost every business establishes
goals -- goals in terms of sales, profits, new customers,
and so forth. Most of us also set personal goals, often in
terms of time with loved ones, in terms of our health,
personal finances, travel or other areas.
Unfortunately, far too many people are discouraged about
setting goals. They remember goals that were written down
and then ignored, and now they say, “goals don’t work.”
Hogwash! Goals are what make life worth living! Goals to
finish school, learn to drive, goals to meet someone and
fall in love, goals to get a job, build a career, buy a
house, retire comfortably--these are the building blocks of
a great life!
The problem is not with goal-setting, but that we fail in
two related areas:
1. We don’t focus on our REASONS for wanting the goal. When
you have enough reasons, achieving any goal becomes much
2. We fail to MEASURE. Peter Drucker observed that “what
gets measured, gets done.”
This week, review the reasons you set your goals in the
first place. What would more income or more time off do for
you? When you know why something is important, getting it
done is much, much easier.
And secondly, review your numbers. See how you’re doing. Be
honest, have the courage to take measurements and note your
progress. You’ll be glad you did!

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