Monday, September 6, 2010


This week, I re-read Harry Beckwith's classic book, "Selling
the Invisible." One of the key things he points out is the
essential distinction between “marketing” and “selling.”
As I got it, marketing is about letting people know you
exist. It’s about telling them who you are, what you do, and
helping them really “get” your expertise. It’s about
branding your name and reputation; it’s about creating
positive buzz about your and your business.
Marketing is a good thing! It’s a skill and it can be
learned. Every business MUST market!
Marketing, however, does not generate sales or revenue and
that is a HUGE distinction!
As David Steele says, “You can market until the cows come
home and never get a single client!” You can market so
people know about you, and know what you do. You can market
with a catchy slogan and a distinctive logo. You can market
“until the cows come home.” But only sales is sales!
Now, obviously there are good and bad ways of selling. There
are styles of selling and some sales techniques are just
plain repugnant!
Fortunately, however, there are many skills and tools that
are both comfortable AND effective for selling.
In the end, your business must do marketing, AND you must
make sales. Understand the distinction and develop skills in
both areas!

Quotes of the Week
“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies
in a person’s determination.” -- Tommy LaSorda
“The question is not whether we will die, but how we will
live.“ -- Joan Borysenko
"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful
men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they
don't quit." -- Conrad Hilton
“What gets measured, gets done.” -- Edward Deming

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