Monday, October 6, 2014


Once again, I heard Jim Rohn's reminder that life is based on
the ideas we think and the values we hold dear.
From Socrates to modern Cognitive Psychologists, many
people have observed that, "we become what we think about
all day long." Inevitably, our lives reflect the things we
believe about ourselves and the world around us. If we
think about negative, narrow or troubling things, our lives
become smaller. But if we believe the best while eagerly
expecting opportunity and growth, our world expands and our
lives are enriched.
Jim pointed out that a key difference between winners and
losers are the ideas they choose to live by. Winners
collect great ideas! They read and listen, they watch
others not for what they say, but for what they do and for
the results they get in life.
Small ideas must inevitably lead to small outcomes. Great
ideas, on the other hand, inevitably lead to great, long-
lasting and magnificent achievements.
Winners collect the best and brightest ideas they can find.
When they hear advice or a recommendation, they weigh it
against reality and their own experience, to see if it's
valid. They keep notes and try things out. If they get
results that excite them, they underline their notes and
repeat the experiment, gradually creating lives we admire
and respect.
If, however, the idea or recommendation leads to pain and
suffering, to disappointment or mediocre results, it
quickly gets crossed off the list, eliminated and trashed.
Life is too short to cling to bad, wasteful ideas!
Tony Robbins tells the story that when he was a young man,
he found himself over-weight, broke and badly disappointed.
He determined to change that! He interviewed people who had
lost weight, changed their lives, and maintained their
success. He read about such people. He listened to their
stories. And he took notes! He decided to believe what
successful people believe and do what they did. As a
result, he lost the weight (30 pounds as I recall) and has
kept it off ever since.
Ideas matter.
I'm a huge believer in the power of being "around" people
and situations that inspire me. I try to read at least one
biography every month. I recommend seminars, both for what
the experts share from the podium and (just as important)
for the people I meet in the lobby or sitting next to me in
the auditorium. I love audio programs that walk with me,
drive with me, and help me get the sun up in the morning. I
love MasterMind teams and working with my clients, because
we share our best ideas with each other.
Life is about ideas and actions. If we think about and
believe the world to be a small, constricted, mean, and
competitive place, it becomes so. But, if we believe and
act as if the world is our oyster, a place of abundance,
joy, opportunity and wealth, it becomes that, as well.
The exciting thing is that great and useful ideas are all
around us. Jim's CD's are old. The seminar was given many
years ago. Even the CD's are old technology and I've heard
the information many times, both in person and on
recordings. But the IDEAS are still fresh--and each time, I
hear them in a new and powerful way.
Get around the best life has to offer. Surround yourself
with successful people and ask them how they learned to be
such good parents, to accumulate such wealth, or how they
stay fit. Ask how they organized their business and served
so many customers. Get around people who can teach you
stuff! Read the books, listen to the audio programs. Fill
your mind, and your life, with value.

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