Wednesday, January 11, 2017


One of the key requirements for financial success is an
effective system to manage your money. Over the years, I've
been amazed at the entrepreneurs, managers and
professionals who focus on security systems to be sure the
cashier gives correct change, and then ignore both their
personal wealth and the company's long-term financial
Do you know where your money is? Many people don't!
Last year, I worked with several people who thought they
were "investors" but watched passively as their portfolios
lost millions of dollars and they had "no idea" what to do
about it. One possible solution was as simple as selling
their losing stocks and holding cash. Certainly talking
with a good money manager, accountant or investment advisor
might have been an option, yes?
Nearly all of us want more money and yet too many of us
manage it badly. That is not a recipe for success!
I once worked with the head of a multi-million dollar
enterprise who "hadn't had time" to balance his checkbook
in years. During our work together, he bounced a check for
a new Lexus and that embarrassment got his attention!
At the start of a new year, invest in a system for
managing, tracking and building your wealth! Do a personal
or family Balance Sheet and Cashflow analysis, buy
financial software and create a plan for the year. Save ten
percent of your income every month, review your retirement
plan, invest wisely. Working hard, making lots of money and
then spending it all makes no sense! 
Manage your money. Manage the company's money. Have a plan.
Get rich!

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