Friday, January 19, 2018


Many years ago when I was part of  management seminars for
health professionals, we would sometimes get calls from
people who wanted to attend, but "couldn't afford" the
price. Back then, we did a full day training (including
lunch!) for $95 and the focus was on marketing, managing
and building a profitable private practice. The comment
that "I can't afford it" amazed me, and seemed tragic.
If there is one investment that ALWAYS returns a generous
profit, it is your investment in yourself. When you invest
in your skills, in your attitudes, or in your personal
growth, you always win, and the returns are tax-free!
There is an old line that "those who refuse to read are no
better off than those who cannot read", and I would say
that those who refuse to read are in a far worse place.
Refusing to grow, to learn or expand your horizons 
strikes me as one of life's ultimate failures.
When I look at successful people, they are passionate
about learning and personal development. When Lee Iaccoca
was bringing Chrysler back from bankruptcy, I heard him
say he read at least two books on business, leadership or
management every week! That impressed me.
Years earlier, I heard Bruce Thieleman, one of the great
preachers of the 20th century, say that a minister "must"
read at least a book a week to adequately care for their
congregation. I've never forgotten that, and for 25 years
I've made it a priority to read at least an hour a day. I
believe that hour has been one of the most profitable
investments I've ever made.
Specifically, what kinds of investments do I suggest?
Here are three key areas:
1. Personal Growth. Read for the fun of it. Go to
workshops and listen to tapes. Learn to play bridge or
chess or backgammon. Rent and watch the great movies of
the past 100 years. Join a club or group, or take up a new
hobby. Do a personal retreat, attend workshops. It
doesn't take time; it expands your life.
2. Social Effectiveness. Yes, I'm talking about classes
on communication, parenting, and leadership. Be the best
parent you can be. Be the best lover, the best friend, the
best manager. Volunteer for committees in your club or
house of worship. The more people you know, and the better
your social skills, the bigger your world will become.
3. Professional Skills. I remember working at a place
when budget cuts reduced funds for continuing education,
and some of my colleagues decided that if the County
wouldn't pay for them, they just wouldn't go. How short-
sighted and foolish! Invest in your business, in your
skills, in technology and in your future.

Learn all you can. Grow, expand, stretch. Attend seminars,
learn from experts. Read. Listen. Try.

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