Monday, August 27, 2018


A long time ago, I heard Jim Rohn talk about the necessity
to "love your work, every single day." I've never forgotten
Jim was wise enough to make the distinction about "liking"
your work every day. Very few of us are fortunate enough to
enjoy every moment of every day on the job. Things go
wrong. People get cranky. Sometimes, stress and tension and
anxiety are life's way of telling us we are in the wrong
line of work, or it's time to make some changes.
But those daily ups and downs are not the same thing as
"loving" your work.
I recently got an email from a friend who noted that his 13-
year old son can be "a handful, but we don't love him
because it's easy, we love him because we do." Your
relationship with your career should be something like that.
Ultimately, your financial success is the result of
"loving" your work--nurturing it over time, going the extra
mile, doing it right whether anyone is watching or not.
Love means taking care of the details. Loving your work
means investing in your customers, investing in tools and
skills and resources. Ultimately, loving your work means
investing in your own future.
Whatever your job, profession, or business, love and
sustain it. Care for it and give it every chance to grow.
There is no other path to ultimate, long-term success.

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