Monday, September 3, 2018


This past week has reminded us that we dare not be
complacent. Life is still a short and sometimes dangerous
thing. Here are a couple of ideas that seemed important
this week:
1. Life is short. Tell people that you love them. Hug
them. Laugh with them. Make the phone calls, send the
notes. Leave nothing unsaid. Life is too short.
2. Keep a wide margin around your life. Maintain a
schedule that allows for a snow delay or a bit of trouble.
Flat tires and dead batteries still happen. We were
fortunate that the storm hit over the holidays when work
was light. Keep plenty of margin.
3. Keep flashlight batteries around. We had an extra loaf
of bread in the freezer and I had recently gone grocery
shopping so we were fine, but some of our neighbors were
not so lucky. Walking on morning, I gave my
gloves to a woman whose car was stuck and she was cold.
The old Boy Scout motto is still a good idea: Be prepared.
Sooner or later, your storm will hit and when it does you
want to weather it with confidence and courage. Yes, it is
inconvenient. I wish our roof was fixed, but in the grand
scheme of things, we are very, very lucky. When storms
hit, you want to survive and thrive on the excitement of
mother nature showing off her power, not get knocked off
your game. Be prepared to weather life's storms.

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