Friday, February 8, 2019


One of the most amazing truths is how little things lead
to BIG differences. Over the past years of studying
successful people, the thing that strikes me is this: High
achievers are just like everyone else! The differences
between high performance, middle-class performance, and
failure is in the daily details.
One of my favorite examples is an airplane flying from
Seattle to Hawaii - the pilot only has to be slightly off-
course to end up all wet! The differences are very, very
Many people have noted that the best sales people are rarely
different than their average competitors. They make calls,
they submit proposals, and they take orders. The key to
success is in the small things! High achievers are on time,
they know a little more about the customer, and about their
products. The key to success is in the small things.
In my own work, I have focused a great deal of research and
thought on the environments that top performers use to
create Personal Eco-Systems for success. Their homes,
their offices and the other details of their environment
work together to "grease the skids" for success.
Surround yourself with books and tapes, get a coach, study
the competition, and get very, very good at what you do!
And, here are four things that can help. Yes, they are
small things. No, they don't cost very much and probably
99% of the people who hear this idea ignore it because it's
"too simple", or they'll "do it later." You know who does
NOT ignore the idea? Only the top 1%! So, here we go...
Buy yourself a pack of ordinary 3x5 index cards. You're
going to create 3 stacks of cards and keep a fourth stack
in reserve.
Stack #1: Daily Affirmations
Create a list of short, positive statements and write one
on each card until you have several of them in a small
pile. Write them in the present tense, and write sentences
that empower you!
Stack #2: Daily Questions
Create a list of powerful, motivating questions and write
one on each card until you have a small pile of them.
Examples might include, "How will I increase my income this
year?" or "What do I appreciate most about my spouse?"
Stack #3: Daily Essentials
This is just one card that lists the small number of
actions you are absolutely committed to doing every single
day. It might include exercise or writing in a journal, or
hugging your kids, or anything else that you have decided
to do every single day. List your 5 or 10 "essentials" on
this card.
Stack #4: Today's Action
Every morning, take a blank card and list the THREE things
you will absolutely accomplish that day. Don't list more
than that or it becomes just another long "to-do" list.
What three things are vital? What three items will you DO
today? List them and put this card in your pocket to
remind you through the day.
Every morning, take five minutes with your cards. Shuffle
the affirmations until one jumps out at you, and ponder it.
Shuffle the questions and ponder one of them. Remind
yourself of your daily "essentials" and commit to doing
them, TODAY - just like every day. And finally, list your
three key items for the day. Write them down, put them in
your pocket and GET THEM DONE!
Peak performers create systems for success. They make
small, daily adjustments in their attitude, and productivity
until, over time, they leave the competition far behind.
You can do this! Winners always have an "unfair advantage"
and now you know what it is. Here's the key question:
Will you use this easy little system, or not?

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