Monday, November 9, 2020


Research shows we have more leisure time than ever before.  Yet many Americans say that doing what they HAVE to do takes twice as much time as doing what they WANT to do.  Maybe we need to shift our attitudes about time, so that we come from a better place, have a healthy attitude about time, and not be in such a rush.
1. Enjoy the moment.
Much of our lives are taken up by mundane tasks such as housework and catching up on paperwork.  It can get pretty nerve-racking; instead of focusing on what you're doing, you're always anticipating what has to be done next.  MAKE your tasks seem less like chores.
Create the "ideal" atmosphere" for you to be able to concentrate on what you're doing. Listen to music, be outside, whatever gives you energy and makes you feel good to get the job done faster.
2. Surround yourself with a calm environment.
Experts agree that we tend to adjust to the rhythms of our environment, so it's a good idea to surround ourselves with people and things that help us shift into low gear.  Play soothing music. Instead of scurrying to fix dinner right when you get home, take some time to wind down by reading the paper, going for a walk, spending time with your kids.
3. Get some shut-eye.
Many of us think that the best way to gain time is to sleep less (yours truly is guilty of this thinking).  According to the National Sleep Foundation, a lack of restful sleep results in poor mental performance, more accidents, and lack of concentration.  Pay attention to WHEN you go to bed.  If after you put the kids to bed you find yourself wasting time by mind-numbing yourself in front of the TV until the wee hours of the night, it's time to STRONGLY consider shifting your bedtime.  Experts suggest cutting back bedtime by 15-30 minutes for a  few days to let your body adjust.  Any more and you'll throw your body into shock.
4. Simplify.
This is a tough one. What most people think they can achieve in a given amount of time is unrealistic.  I can relate to that - I tend to fall in the "most people" group. We make to-do lists that are near impossible to accomplish, and we beat ourselves up for not completing.  So we add what we didn't do today to the astronomical list of tomorrow, and the effect snowballs to the point  where we cry, "I can't get ANYTHING done - there's just not enough time to  do it!" Simplify.  What MUST be done today?  When those are done,  then, what other things would you like to do if you have some more time?
5. Break away for a daily mini-vacation.
Take 10-15 minutes each day to do... NOTHING.  We need time each day to NOT race against the clock or be productive.  We can slow down and our  minds are free to be creative.  Take a walk.  Listen to music.  Sit on the couch.   The point is to RELAX.  No multi-tasking relaxation.  Your mind must be free of everything else.
6. Drink some tea.
It's kind of hard to gulp down hot tea.  Several kinds can actually relax you, like chamomile tea.
7. Sit in a rocking chair.
The Charlotte/Douglas International Airport in North Carolina recently
installed 20 rocking chairs, and harried travelers FLOCKED to them. Can you just see them relaxing immediately?  Make good use of yours, or buy one.  I used to have a glider rocker for feeding my kids, and I tell you, I fell asleep every time.  That rocking rhythm just knocks me out.
8. Breathe deeply.
When you're stressed, your breathing becomes very shallow. Your body craves oxygen, and it's not getting any when you're breathing incorrectly. SLOW  DOWN.  Focus on EACH breath - in through the nose, out through the mouth. Concentrate on nothing but inhaling and exhaling.
9. Shift activities.
If what you're doing is making you anxious, simply do something else. If you're at your desk, GET UP and move around.  If you're heavy into concentration on a task, shift to do something mindless.  Here's a guideline: for  every 45 minutes of heavy concentration, give yourself 10-15 minutes  of mindless rejuvenation.
10. MAKE yourself smile.
Keep a funny cartoon or joke nearby and look at it often.  My favorite is The Far Side.  Subscribe to a humor newsletter on the Internet.  Do a search for  jokes.  Keep a joke book or humorous story on your desk. Laughter is a great stress reliever, and it helps you feel good.
11. Stop procrastination.
Tackle and eliminate the task NOW.  It takes more energy to put off a job than to JUST GET IT DONE.
12. Strive for EXCELLENCE, not perfectionism.
Stop focusing on what could go wrong.  Big time waster. Commit to COMPLETING the job, e.g. give yourself deadlines. If you need to go back and refine later, fine, do it. Ready, FIRE!  Then aim.
13. Say NO.
Think about everything you say "Yes" to: community involvement, errands for others, visiting, running around. Think about how they benefit you, your family, your business, your health, and your mind. Do they benefit you? If not, SAY NO.
14. Turn off technology periodically.
Our modern conveniences have made us more impatient and more vulnerable to others' demands.  TURN OFF your pager, cell phone, and/or fax when you don't want to be bothered.
15. Get rid of the clutter.
Start each day with a clean desk or clean office.  You'll be more efficient when things are in order.
Many times when we say we don't have enough time to do things it's because we're wasting time sitting on our duffs for too long because we're too tired. Get  moving!   Not only will you feel better, but you'll have more energy, which means you can get more done in less time. That frees up more time to do other things.  And you'll feel great about yourself because you're looking good and achieving more.
17. You are what you eat.
Eat junk, feel like junk.  Energy comes from feeding yourself foods that are packed with nutrients and don't bog you down with a lot of calories. Keep your metabolism stoked by eating 4-6 smaller meals a day; when your metabolism  is up, so is your energy.
 - by Garrett J. Braunreiter

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