Monday, January 18, 2021


Who are your heroes? Who do you want to become? Who will you surround yourself with while going after what you want? The people in your corner can be individuals in your daily life, people you follow on social media, authors, heroes, influencers, and role models.  


Find people who will tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear. Seek out people you respect. Connect with people who have a love for teaching. Find people who know how to win. Look for people who have been there and done it. Find people who have faced it, learned from it, and won. 


Try this: You’ve heard the saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Define your five people. Whether they are people who volunteer to help you, people you ask for help, or people you hire (coaches, doctors, teachers, authors), define the five people who will help you get to where you want to go this year. 

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