Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Emotional capacity measures your ability to overcome limiting beliefs, your ease in adapting to challenging situations, and the quality of your relationships. No matter how talented, driven, or energized you are, you cannot achieve your goals if your emotional capacity is low.

A common mistake people make is assuming emotional characteristics are a fixed part of their personality. Just as we can grow intellectually by learning or improve physically by exercising, we can get better at managing our emotional reactions and keeping ourselves steady when inevitable adversity strikes.

It can be difficult to accept that we are actually in control of most of what happens to us. For whatever reason, that reality provides more discomfort than confidence to many.

Try this: Take control of the way you see the world with simple acts of gratitude. Next time you stay in a hotel, leave a thank you note for the person who cleans your room and a monetary tip. Practicing gratitude has numerous benefits for our health and state of mind. The tip is often insignificant to you but meaningful to them.


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