Monday, March 28, 2022


In business, behavior almost always follows the available incentives. We regularly see this in sales. Business leaders often assume that creating incentives for salespeople is consistently a good way to drive results—salespeople who get commissions for every sale are motivated to sell as much as possible, driving revenue for the business.

But any experienced sales leader knows incentives are a double-edged sword; salespeople often devote their strategies to maximizing their incentives, even if doing so isn’t what’s best for the company. They may push projects with the highest commissions or try to overprice their accounts to meet their quota. The best sales leaders know there is a delicate balance to creating incentives that serve their salespeople, their business, and their customers.

Key takeaway: Don’t kick yourself for wishing you saw an opportunity earlier, focus on the outcome you want, find the partners that deliver, build your business on the right platform, and let the incentive alignment take the rest.

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