Monday, June 13, 2022


I want to convince you of three simple truths.

So let me set the stage…

Each of us moves through the world perceiving things through our own unique prisms of personality and experience.

And even though we’re all born with similar senses…

We each live in our own version of reality.

And how we see reality impacts how we perceive things - especially opportunity.

For example, say three people walk into a grocery store…

One person might see an opportunity to buy tomatoes on sale.

The second one might see an opportunity to socialize with others.

And the third might see an opportunity to start a better grocery store down the street.

Each of us has a unique way of filtering things out and seeing the opportunities our lenses allow us to see.

But the good news is, you can actually “train” yourself to see the world - and opportunity - in new ways.

Which brings me to the three truths…

Truth #1 - Understanding opportunity is a key to success in life. Successful people are better at finding and creating opportunity, and better at making decisions about which opportunities to bet on.

Truth #2 - You can increase the quantity and quality of opportunities in your life. It’s a matter of how to learn how to change the lens through which you view the world. When you do that, you begin to spot opportunities that were always there, but you were just not aware of.

Truth #3 - There is a reliable, systematic way to do it. It’s a matter of changing your mindset, adopting new mental models, and asking yourself the right questions.

When you embrace these three truths and act on them, you’ll be better able to navigate a world where change is accelerating and uncertainty is increasing... a world that demands new models for thinking about how things work.

Creating opportunity is about more than just thriving in an unstable, sometimes scary world. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself, and creating a life where you have all the opportunities you need to reach your full potential.

To increase the quality and quantity of opportunity available, it’s important to take on a series of mindsets that will positively change how you see yourself, how you see others, and how you see opportunity.

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