Get creative and throw models and handbooks out the window when it comes to driving awareness.

You should know your audience as well as you know yourself, so when Apple OS changes, it's absolutely an opportunity to find the new frontier and create a competitive advantage. Great brands don't just focus on how efficiently you can generate the next click. The one thing that has remained constant over my years as a Founder is the power of meaningful connections. We don't operate as a faceless brand. When you join Healthy baby, you are automatically introduced to your personal concierge. We know that when we take care of parents, word spreads quickly. Find ways to actually connect because it's what we all are craving.

Commit to constantly improving.

Ideally you are building something meaningful with staying power, so keep your perspective and remember the long game. Ask what you want to be known for and keep building towards that. I've yet to find a more rewarding space to be in than baby, and being a part of a baby's wellbeing and trust is something that comes with hard-fought experience pivoting and improving. When your customer appreciates your dedication to doing better, it will pay meaningful dividends with loyalty.

Grow the pie, not just your share of the pie.

I've always believed that the best businesses have a net positive impact on our society and the world. With Happy Baby, we were committed to making organic food accessible to everyone, and we lobbied state by state to be included in the WIC program. We know that during the first 1,000 days of life, every $1 invested in improving infant and maternal health returns $35, which benefits us all in a myriad of ways from paid parental leave to a healthier and better educated society. Both of the companies I've built are Certified B-Corps, which means that our governance goes beyond revenue growth and profitability and thinks about that social piece as the prize. When we are trying to create a better future for baby, we are inherently responsible for preserving our planet. Find your way towards impact and you may see your competitors' success as a win someday too.