Friday, January 30, 2009


I spent some time reading a couple of books, which I do quiteoften. This weekend, I read T. Harv Eker's "Secrets of theMillionaire Mind" and Bob Doyle's "Wealth Beyond Reason". I know, both of these have been out for years. I find that going back over older material from time to time helps me get a fresh perspective on the author's material. I've read some books dozens of times. Anyways, both of these books talk about the power of belief, although Bob Doyle continually slips off that point and insists that it is our thoughts and feelings that manifest our world. I understand his confusion, especially since I also saw the world from that same perspective not so long ago. It was also clear that he had recently gotten involved with material from Ester and Jerry Hicks, aka Abraham, who are very strong in their assersions that our thoughts are the creative influence in our lives.
In my current view, thoughts and beliefs are very different from each other. Getting back to my story, reading both of these books together produced some interesting insights. The first major insight is that while the belief that "I create my reality" is good, it can also produce problems if carried toofar. For instance, by believing that I create my own reality, I've slipped into the belief that everything I have in my life is a direct response to my own actions. The problem here is that I had closed myself off from receiving gifts from the Universe, and other spontaneous blessings. Now that I'm aware of this, I can choose to believe that the Universe will give me everything I desire and I don't have tocreate it myself. Wow! What a relief! I also realized that my beliefs about my own self-worth had gotten too narrow, focusing so much on the work I do and material possessions that I forgot how valuable I am as a person simply because I live. This was something I wrote about in my Keys To Power Prosperity ebook, and while I have never lost sight of that fact, I hadn't really taken it into account when thinking about my financial abundance. Now, rather than thinking "I'm worth about $50,000per year." I have the focus that "My net worth is $100 Million."I certainly look at things a lot differently with thisperspective. Investments that looked HUGE when compared to $50,000 now seem insignificant compared to $100 Million.
Very closely related to both of these is a belief I've known about for some time, wrote about it in both the prosperity ebook and the Choose To Believe book, and always planned to take time 'someday' to deal with it. It's a belief that money is earned through work or the production of value. Value can be produced easily enough. Ideas for improvement, either in business, social situations, family life, artisticexpression, or whatever, are all valuable and don't take a lot oftime to produce. In some respects, this is a positive belief because it provides an excellent way to create abundant prosperity. On the other hand, it also prevents you from attracting gifts and other unexpected blessings. I am now open to receiving gifts from the Universe. As I reached this level of openness, I realized that it's completely possible that someone may be looking for a new place to invest their money, or a place to make a donation to the world. It could be that this person feels that the work I'm doing is worthy of their investment (or donation) so that morepeople can benefit from what I'm doing. This perspective (belief) is already influencing my decisions about how I move forward in my business and my life. It will be very interesting to see where this leads, wouldn't you agree? I hope this has helped you in some way. Perhaps you have similar beliefs about work, value, and being open to receive. My friend, Guy Finley, has a philosophy that the Universe is trying to give us everything we could possibly desire, and the only thing stopping us from receiving it is ourselves.

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