Wednesday, January 14, 2009


It is not news that the global economic recession hitting many countries may get worse this New Year going by indicators and projections by economistsand financial experts. Where does this leave you as a believer in Christ Jesus? Does it mean that all your faith and prayers will be tried and sacrificed in the furnace of economic crucible? Does this mean that no measure could be strong enough to tackle this impending financial on slaughtagainst both believers and non-believers a like, since great countries have been brought to their knees?
Borrowing from Rick Joyner's words, as we enter more into the times that Hebrews 12 describes, when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, Christians who are not established on the solid foundation are going to be shaken right along with the rest of the world. The Lord shook Egypt to its foundation in order to set His people free. In the Scriptures, Egypt is often used as a metaphor for the world, and the reason why the world is starting to be shaken to its foundation is for the same reason—to set God's people free. Just as God's people were enslaved in Egypt and it took a mighty display of God's power to set them free, we are in the first stages of the same scenario. Many "gave their lives to Christ," but then went on to live for themselves, building their lives more upon the kingdoms of this world than the kingdom of God. Because He loves us, the present shaking is grace and mercy from God to help set us free. I want to believe this is going to be a very interesting year for everyone of us and a great opportunity to show case more than ever before, what wehave - our faith in God - and Whom we believe in – the Almighty God. Many promises have gone forth about perilous times and agonizing situations but He always add that those that believe in Him will enjoy the *"GoshenRide"* in every plague that comes on the land and nations. If we have been called out from darkness, it will be contrary for our God to allow us get tormented by same if we have been obedient and faithful in our obligations to Him. Not that we might not feel the heat but we will not get burnt, that's for real. This period in world history is what the Bible calls a "shaking period" andthose who have not grown in faith will begin to fall away while those strongin it will assist others to come up and fulfill our Lord's mandate and assignment in these end times. Those who are walking in faith, walking in the path of the righteous, will be proactive, experiencing many accomplishments and victories because they will be able to see where they are going with increasing clarity, enabling them to be proactive and decisive.
This is declared in Proverbs 4:18-19, "But the path of therighteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day. The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know over what they stumble."One important truth is that the world economy is subject to the Kingdom's economy in every believer's life and since we have enrolled in the Kingdom's, we must operate according to its requirements and conditions in order to be free from the infernal economic effect the world is going to experience. Our obligations in the Kingdom must be met in order to make our faith manifest its full effect; if our tithes and offerings are up to date, if our investment strategies were established according to God's leading, if our givings were godly and not on fleshly spree, we stand the assurance of being safe under the economic pavilion of our God, no matter what the stockmarket or other investment indicators are saying. This is the time of the return of those the world has classified as *financialprodigals* simply because they saw us spend our resources on our God's plans and programs. We are no fools in following our Lord's leading in spending on His cause, we are just being wise in investing in schemes that will impact eternity and stand the test of world's financial times. This is the time our God will showcase us in a great way to confound the so-called economic experts and financial gurus; this is the time we will manifest as sons ofGod in the midst of global financial crises laden with uncertainties and confusion. If we follow on to strictly obey our Lord's instruction on how to spend what He has blessed us with, we are assured of staying on top while the world agonize through the hard times. Let your spending now strictly focus on what glorifies God and pleases Him; let your financial planning involve what will gladden the heart of God and make Him open his Hands to showcase you despite the expectations of people that have given up on you.
*Let your prayer life get a re-focus andincrement in intensity; let your Word life receive a fresh breath from thespiritual stress you have experienced lately*. Kingdoms financial principles are not difficult as many think but easy as we follow our Lord's leading. Remember, it is those who hear the Words of the Lord and obey them that build their houses on the rock that will stand against the financial storms. Many complain that the Lord has not spoken to them when their Bibles are sitting on their shelves covered with dust. It is those who seek Him who find Him.The world may shake in despair, the great countries may prophesy terrible financial times, the government may shout about tormenting times ahead, but *we know Whom we have believed*, we know Him that steer the course of nations and destinies, we serve Him that ordains good times and turns history to favour His cause and people without contrary voice challenging Him. He is a referee that will not count us out of the boxing ring; He will not let His beloved whom He has invested so much in go down the path of destruction and perdition simply because *our hearts are fixed, trusting in Him solely*. His reputation rests on us, His chosen ones.
Welcome to your year of astounding showcase.

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