Friday, March 26, 2010


When you are not satisfied with your life, you try to find a quick fix solution to make things better. You want something to happen right now! Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. You have to take action and you actually DO need to work and most of the time work hard in order to find success in your life.
Before I was on my road to success I tried to find that “quick fix”… I used to watch lots of TV and I used to actually stop and listen to those infomercials and purchase the “rich quick” product they were selling because I thought it was the answer to all of my concerns.
When I received the package in the mail I was so excited. I would open it and start reading the information right away. But after a few pages I would realize that it wasn’t as “easy” as the commercial said. I would actually need to work to achieve the success that all those people in the infomercial said they achieved… That’s when I threw the program in the garbage.
And you want to know what the worst part was? I did this many times and wasted a lot of money. To be honest with you I was really pathetic… Every time I saw a new infomercial I thought: “this is it, this is the answer to my problems.” But you guessed it; I threw it away as soon as I got it.
But do you know what? All of those programs could have been the answer to my problems. Because I didn’t want to work or what I like to say: “Taking Action”, I was wasting time and money! Sometimes I think about how my life would’ve been if I actually started investing my time and energy on the programs I purchased instead of trying to find a “quick fix”.
Here’s the hard truth, and you’ve probably even heard it before: life is not easy! I wish I would have learned this “life truth” years ago. Now when I mean ‘learned’ I don’t mean “Oh ya I heard that before”… But I mean really understand it: “‘Life is not easy’ means that I need to take action and work hard to make it ‘easy’”
But the reality is that we all know that we need to take action and work hard but for some reason we don’t and we complain about how other people have found success and we didn’t.
No one and I mean no one has gone through life without having to struggle or work hard towards success. I challenge you to think of anyone and really research that person to see the struggle they’ve had to face in order to find the success that they can now enjoy. Here are a few people you can look-up if none come to mind: Donald Trump, Lance Armstrong, Oprah Winfrey, George Foreman, Ted Rogers, Paul Desmarais, Cindy Klassen, Micheal Phelps, just to name a few…
I hope you get inspired when you are researching the life and struggle of the successful person that you have chosen. And you realize that there is no “quick fix” solution for successful people. Hopefully you’ll even use that person as “mentor” to help you find success in your life.

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