Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Why are some people winners time after time,
while others work just as hard but never seem to "put it all
I believe the answer falls into two basic categories, one
that makes a small contribution, and a second that makes
(essentially) ALL the difference.
The first category, which accounts for very little of the
difference, is talent. Whether you call it talent or genius
or aptitude, it's clear that inherent abilities do play a
(small) role. It's important to know our strengths and use
them to our advantage.
If I want to play basketball, being tall and quick does
help. Chuck Yeager is said to have had extraordinary eye-
sight, and as a test pilot that must have made a difference.
For an engineer, a gift for numbers and math will obviously
make things easier.
There was a conversation with a man who
studied under Albert Einstein at Princeton almost 60 years
ago and he noted that Einstein was NOT a particularly gifted
mathematician! He struggled to balance his checkbook, but he
had a remarkable imagination and the ability to immerse
himself in a problem until he found the answer. THAT made
all the difference.
In my study of top performers, the difference that really
matters time after time is that winners have a SYSTEM. Most
people tackle problems in a haphazard way and they get
haphazard results. Winners don't do that!
Here's a simple four-step process that consistent winners
use over and over again:
1. First, they get very (VERY!) clear about exactly what
they want. They picture their desired outcome in precise
detail. They never set out to make "more" money. Instead,
they set out to "make $25,000 this month." Some people refer
to this as visualization, while others call it an
affirmation. All I know is that winners know what they want
and they picture it in detail, all day long, every day, in
advance until it becomes their reality.
2. Second, winners use precise "cognitive systems." That
means they have clear strategies, they think rationally and
continuously about the problem and their desired solution.
They do careful research and ask experts for help. They
invest in education, skills, tools and resources to put the
odds in their favor. They are passionate and can be
emotional, but when it comes to winning, they are calm,
cool, and collected. They are good, clear thinkers.
3. Third, winners use what I call Personal Eco-Systems™ to
improve their chances for success. There's a reason Thomas
practically lived in his lab. There's a reason Martha
is so elegant, even in her garden. There's a reason
writers surround themselves with books and hang out with
other writers. Winning athletes watch films, they study (and
memorize) the stats of their heroes. Surround yourself with
an environment that makes it hard to fail!
4. Fourth, winners work harder than losers. You may not
like this part, but winners work very, very hard. They
practice. They study. They sacrifice and make hard choices.
They are the first ones to work in the morning and the last
ones to leave at night. Based on their visualizations, their
carefully-thought-out strategies, and supported by the
environment they've created, they take massive ACTION.
The truth is that while talent and genius are helpful, the
winners in life simply have better systems. They study
winners. As Tony Robbins says, "success leaves clues" and
winners use strategies that have worked for other people.
They surround themselves with a rich environment that
inspires them, and they work very hard.

Meet my coach or contact him at:
www.philiphumbert.com or email: Coach@philiphumbert.com.

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