Friday, February 11, 2011


In the business world, I suspect clear decisions are more important and more
profitable than clear goals.
We all know the power and importance of goals. Every
business should have a business plan, a set of goals,
procedures and benchmarks for its success. We KNOW how
important this is!
But the daily decision to provide extraordinary customer
service, to "go the extra mile" in terms of service and
value is not a goal, it's RIGHT NOW!
Customers do not care about your goals. They do not know or
care about your dreams, your business plan or your budget.
They don't know or care about your personnel problems, your
cash-flow or anything else.
Customers only know and care about the decision you make
RIGHT NOW! They care how you answer the phone. They know and
care about the tone of your voice, your eagerness to serve.
They know and care about your decision to deliver on time
and on budget.
Customers notice your daily decisions. They notice whether
your office is welcoming and comfortable. They notice
whether you keep your promises and whether you do more than
you promised.
The daily decisions we make determine our outcomes far more
powerfully than the goals we set or the dreams we dream.
Make smart, powerful, customer-centered decisions in the
small things and the long-term profits will take care of

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