Wednesday, April 27, 2011


As I work with professionals and business owners, I see far
too many of them working hard to earn a living, but utterly
failing to build an effective business.
Many business owners work hard all day and struggle with
marketing and maintenance and production until they are
exhausted at night. Or, even worse, they don't have enough
work or customers to keep them busy, so they fret and worry,
but again, they aren't building an effective BUSINESS, so
day after day, nothing changes.
The goal of any business is to SERVE CUSTOMERS and the goal
of an effective business is to do it in a way that makes a
profit and makes sense for the owner, the employees, and the
investors. The "end" of any business has to make sense – as
well as "dollars and cents!"
Is your business "working" for you, or are you struggling?
Do you have "enough" customers to make a profit and the
"right" customers so your business really works for everyone
Do you have a plan (a blueprint, with details and dates) for
growing the business? Do you have an exit strategy for when
you want to retire or are ready to move on? Do you make time
(no one "has" time) to plan and design the future? Are your
plans being implemented on a regular basis?
If the answer to any of these questions is no, then make
changes! Adjust your schedule, get training, hire an
assistant, or get a coach! As Michael Gerber says in his
wonderful book, "The E-Myth," you want to work on your
business, not just in or for your business. Design and build
an effective, efficient (and profitable!) business that
works FOR you!

Quotes of the Week

"Fear of the unknown is the worst of all the fears; it kills
the creative powers that come from Curiosity." -- Dr. Nirvikar Dahiya

"Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a
sundial in the shade?" -- Ben Franklin

" Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing on
one's own sunshine." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you
intend to do." -- Liz Smith

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