Monday, November 14, 2011


Here are the steps that, as far as I know, every successful
person has used to achieve their goals:
1. First, every innovation and great fortune begins as a
simple thought. Often it begins as just a whiff of thought,
a glimmer or an intuition, a simple, "I wonder what would
happen if...."
2. Second, the vast majority of people dismiss these
thoughts or ideas. They get distracted and nothing develops.
But some people latch on to the idea and never let go!
They fertilize and nurture it. They ask questions about
how to proceed, who else might be interested, or where
they could get more information.
3. Third, successful people take action. It might be a tiny
action, but they read a book, make a call, jot some notes,
explore the internet. They do something to record and expand
their idea.
4. Fourth, they find people to help them. Too many people
keep their ideas to themselves and their dream dies like a
seed without water. Successful people form a team or a
MasterMind to ask more and better questions, and together
they find answers.
5. Fifth, they develop a strategy. At first, it doesn't
have to be a brilliant or even a very effective strategy,
but they find a way to move forward, building on what works
and learning from their failures.
6. Sixth, they persist and leverage everything "until."
They never give up and they never quit.
No one who reads this is powerless or without resources. You
can read. You have friends. There are books, and you have
the internet. There are coaches and models all around you.
There are investors looking for the "next big thing." You
may have to start small, and like an airplane going down the
run way, there may be a long period of slow-going while you
get started, but ultimately, airplanes do take off and soar!
Everything starts with an idea. Thomas Edison started with
ideas. Bill Gates started with ideas. Oprah Winfrey started
poor and alone, but she had some ideas. And all of them took
action. Share your best ideas with a "master mind" group of
friends, and ask great questions. Find the answers and take
action. Everything in life starts as an idea, a glimmer or
a dream. The difference is that successful people follow a
strategy and persist until their ideas become reality.

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