Wednesday, May 9, 2012


What are the ESSENTIALS for you to reach your most important
There are ESSENTIALS that you must master to be a loving
spouse, a successful business person, a great parent, and a
valued friend. Define and master the essentials in each area
of life that is important to you.
Here are three ESSENTIALS that are common to success in
many, many vital areas:
1. Tools. Whatever you are trying to achieve, your success
will be much greater if you have the right tools. Learn the
skills, acquire the software, buy the hardware, and
understand the standards for success in whatever you are
trying to achieve. The right tools make every job easier.
2. Talent. Too many people try to achieve something for
which they do not have the required talent. As a basketball
player, even John Wooden could not have taught me much. I
have no gift, no talent or instinct for the game. As
exercise on a Saturday afternoon, sure I can throw a ball
around. But my talents lie elsewhere. A modicum of talent
is a key essential for success!
3. Time. This is another term for persistence. Too often
we want "over-night" success and fail to invest the time
required to achieve success. Very few Olympic medals are
won by people who practice in their "spare time!" Whether
you are building a website, raising children, or studying
for a degree, it will take time. Lots of time. If you won't
(or can't) devote the necessary time, you may be setting
yourself up for frustration. And failure.
There are generally three to seven ESSENTIALS for success
in any given endeavor. People who enjoy one success after
another take time to analyze and digest the fundamentals.
Study people who have done what you are trying to do!
Analyze their strengths, their strategies, their tools
and their skills. Master the essentials, then simply do
what must be done and you will inevitably get the results
you seek.

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