Monday, August 27, 2012


In life, I love the concept of "Beginner's Mind." It's
useful to take up a new hobby or a new interest because
that's where we stretch and grow. But it does not usually
apply in business! This week, I got that loud and clear.
I have a client who's business requires extensive 
bookkeeping and accounting functions. He used to have a 
full-time bookkeeper to support his real-estate and 
investment interests, but last year, he decided "it cost too 
much, and I thought I could do it cheaper on my own." Well.
As you might guess, by now his books are a mess. The truth 
is that he's not a detail person. He does not enjoy data 
entry on the computer, and he kept "putting it off until 
later." He always thought he'd catch up next week.
Unfortunately, that never happened.
My client is extremely good at investing, and his passion, 
talents and interests are in the entrepreneurial side of his 
business. Ironically, he is very good at reading financial 
statements to evaluate a possible investment. But as a 
bookkeeper, he needs to fire himself!
We all have our areas of expertise and passion. In our areas 
of strength, we are geniuses! Outside those areas, however, 
we are doomed to frustration, exasperation, and sometimes 
outright failure.
Do what you love. Do what you do best. Emphasize your 
talents and give your customers the extras that only you can 
give them. But for goodness sake, hire someone else to do 
the things you can't do, won't do, or do badly. You can't 
afford to spend your life being inefficient, wearing 
yourself out, and spending the day being cranky.
Go with your strengths! You'll make more money, have more 
fun, and be much more successful!

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