Monday, January 6, 2014


Six days ago, you began writing the history of 2014. What
kind of year has it been so far? Has it been filled with
clarity, enthusiasm and purpose, or are you "easing into
it"? Are you the sort that jumps in with both feet, making
a splash and starting strong? Or do you prefer to test the
waters one toe at a time?
Either style is absolutely fine! I have no reason to
believe one personality style or preference is better than
any other, but I do observe that highly successful people
have a bias for action and a preference for clarity. They
usually know what they want, where they're going, and how
they plan to get there. And they prefer movement and action
to dreams and wishes. How about you?
This is Monday, January 6th. By my count there are
359 days left this year. Multiply that by 24 and my
calculator says we have 8,616 hours. Now, speaking for
myself, I plan to spend about a third of those hours
sleeping, and at least 350 hours (15 days!) eating. Then I
have to subtract birthdays and holidays and anniversaries,
which don't count. And beyond that, I'll take some time off
and flat-out "waste" an astonishing amount of time, all of
which still leaves a pretty big block of time that I will
use precisely and exactly the way I choose.
The problem, of course, is that most of the time, most of
us quibble with that last word. We resist the idea that
some three or four thousand hours of 2014 will be used
exactly the way we "choose."
We prefer to argue that we'll "have to" shop or clean
house. We "must" attend the kids' soccer games and music
recitals. And, clearly there's "no choice" but to have
dinner with the in-laws and deal with a thousand other
"necessities." And I sympathize with all of that. I live
with the same pressures and obligations and paperwork as
everyone else.
And yet there is that philosophical conundrum of Free Will.
This is my life and in large measure, I am both blessed and
cursed with the ability to live it as I choose.
Sometimes freedom is a horrible responsibility!
Which brings me back to my opening paragraph, above. For
the past six days, have you lived with clarity and
purpose, with energy, excitement, passion and direction, or
not? There's an old saying that "If we keep on keeping on,
we're likely to end up exactly where we're headed." So,
where exactly are you headed in 2014?
 Every moment of every day, we are "at choice."
We decide to do one thing instead of another. Every
morning, we decide what sort of day we want to have. We
decide where to focus our time, our energy, and our
What are your words and phrases for 2014? As you make your
choices and use your time, as you write your personal
history of 2014, what words and images will guide you? What
phrase or image will keep you on-track and on-task through
the dark days of winter and the warm, tempting days of
At the start of a New Year, I'm always humbled at the huge
gift a year represents. In 52 weeks, you can re-invent
yourself. You can learn a language, start a business,
transform a family, make (or squander) a fortune! Twelve
months is an enormous opportunity! Who will you be next
Decide now the kind of year 2014 will be. Decide now to
write a history that is worth reading, a history that will
go down as the stuff of legends and inspire awe in those
around you. You can do this!
In the next 359 days, you'll make thousands (millions?) of
choices. You'll choose "this" but not "that." You'll spend
time in old, familiar ways and generate old, familiar
results. But, miracle of miracles (!) you'll also make
thousands of new, daring, unfamiliar choices and create new
and previously unimagined results. As you explore the
unknown territory of this new year, I wish for you an
extraordinary and rewarding adventure. This year, determine
to write an incredible history for yourself!

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