Monday, December 29, 2014


I want to share with you what my mentor wrote;
When I think back to my 20's, I see many projects and
commitments that I would never invest in today. Sure, that
was a time of education (very good idea!) and I got married
(great decision!), bought a house and did some other things
that have held up pretty well over the years. But I also
did some pretty dumb things.
I was sure I'd live forever and that time was my friend.
Money was to be spent, and risk was rarely considered.
Accidents and injury only happened to other people, and I
took some foolish chances. I could even afford to waste
time. (Silly me!)
By my 30's and 40's, I think I gained a bit of perspective,
but in some ways I was still "playing." We traveled widely—
Africa, Europe, throughout the U.S.—and invested well, but
we also foolishly wasted so much time, money and energy on
things that seemed like "fun" or were "impressive" or
"daring" but which gained us very little. I hate to think
we were still acting like teenagers trying to impress our
friends, but I suspect some of that was involved.
Today, in my 60's, I have very few regrets, but I'm amazed
at some of the things that seemed so important at the time.
I remember being impressed when I bought a sports car for
my 40th birthday. I was sure it would make me happy
forever! But after a while, it needed maintenance and got
scratched like any other car, and it wasn't so comfortable,
and I traded it for a truck. I still enjoy the memories,
but the most valuable thing that car gave me was the
reminder to choose better priorities in the future.
The point of this trip down memory lane is to encourage us
all to be wise in 2015. With the economy tight, we have
opportunities to use our time and energy better than
before. We have the chance to review our goals, our
priorities and our choices, and make adjustments if
My sense is that we can only focus on a very small number
of things at a time. Yes, we've all learned to "multi-task"
and be "busy about many things" but I suspect that at the
end of the day, we can only really focus on a very few
things. And here's the terrible thing—that short list
represents the heart and soul of our lives.
While it's nice and fun and exciting to be to be busy and
impress our friends, my fear is that "our hearts aren't in
it." Our hearts want focus, fulfillment and joy. I think
that comes from choosing well and committing to the few
things that are truly important to us.
In 2015, live better than before. Choose your focus and be
clear about your priorities. For most people, these might
include spirituality or personal growth, time with loved
ones, health, and perhaps business or career. If you have
other choices, that's fine, but clarity is key. You really
can't do it all, and I'm sorry to say, you really won't
live forever. So use this new year wisely. Choose well and
make it a good one.
Life's short. Live Better.

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