Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Periodically I hear the term "solo-preneur" as a way of
describing professionals and micro-business entrepreneurs,
and I appreciate whoever coined the phrase because for many
professionals, it feels like we are in business "solo" or
all by ourselves. The truth, of course, is far different.
Every successful salesperson, doctor, writer, consultant or
entrepreneur works with a huge team of colleagues, and we
do well to recognize the members of our team, whether they
work for us in our own offices, or support us in some less
direct way.
Last November, some of us met in to compare notes
about what works to build businesses online, and in June we
are meeting again. Does it cost a few dollars? Of course it
does! But the return on the investment is huge!
This week, invite two or three of your best, brightest and
most successful colleagues to have lunch. Talk about your
situation and give away your best ideas, your best skills,
your best insights. It's a way of building trust and
investing in the relationship so you can ask for their help
in building your business. I am a huge believer in
masterminds. I am a huge advocate of winning teams!
If you would like a personal coach to help you build your
business, get one! I have a few openings for the summer,
and there are thousands of highly skilled coaches with
precisely the expertise you need. Find and use a coach!
Every winning team is well-coached and you deserve nothing

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