Monday, June 1, 2015


As long-time readers know, I am a firm believer in the
power of competence. Our customers expect excellence. They
expect us to deliver on time every time, with grace and
elegance. There is no question about that.
At the same time, I also love the quote that "Opportunity
usually comes a size too large so we can grow into it." Any
business (or person) who gets too comfortable is probably
stagnating and may already be growing obsolete.
Two weeks ago, I heard a man I've respected and listened to
for twenty years make an astonishing statement. He said,
"Whenever I really want to grow my business, I start
selling something I have no idea how to deliver. Once it's
sold, I know I'll have to figure out how to create it."
Now, don't get me wrong! That can be an extremely dangerous
policy! If you go "a bit too far" you could be accused of
fraud or worse! That was not what he meant!
But sometimes we know we have to stretch. We need to create
a new website, come up with new products, offer our
services in a whole new way, and it frightens us. It's
outside our comfort zone. We hesitate. We procrastinate.
And our business gets stale.
One of the best things you can do in those circumstances is
to contact your best customers, explain the situation, and
invite them to become your "R&D team." Tell them you're
going to stretch, you're going to try, and ask them to work
with you. Make promises you don't know how to keep. Set
delivery dates you "can't possibly meet." Then go for it!
Figure it out. Hire a consultant. Take the classes. Work
nights and weekends and sweat it out until you get it done.
Remember the "all-nighters" it took to get term papers done
in school? Be willing to do it again and take your business
to a whole new level!

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