Wednesday, November 16, 2016


A friend of mine, likes to say there "there is almost no
downside to audaciousness!"
A couple of years ago, Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen
made a huge splash with their book, "The One Minute
Millionaire," about a young woman who was flat broke and
had to make a million dollars in a very short time to save
her children. In the novel, at the last minute, she earned
the money.
Most of us have a tendency to say, "Real life isn't like
that." But how do you know that? What makes you think you
couldn't make a million bucks in a few months? Have you
ever tried?
Here's a tough question for any business leader: What would
you do if you absolutely had to double your business in 30
days? What would you do to increase sales? How would you
increase margins? How would you get attention, motivate
your people, and make it happen? Who would you partner
with? How would YOU have to change to double your business
in 30 days?
And now the clincher: What's stopping you?
"There is almost no downside to audaciousness!" If you HAD
to make a lot more money, you would take remarkable action.
You'd do a joint-venture with someone. You'd buy a ton of
advertising. You'd hire commission sales people, raise (or
lower) prices. You'd hold a contest or pull some stunt to
generate publicity. You'd do something! So what's stopping
I'm a huge fan of B-HAGS, which stands for Big Hairy
Audacious Goals. Two years ago, Philip Humbert set a B-HAG to reach
100,000 people a year, and according to the "measurables" I
set up we missed the goal, but we had our best year ever,
and I know we touched more lives than we would have
Set a B-HAG for yourself! Why not double your business in
30 days? Think how much fun it would be to pull it off!
And, even if you miss, you'll be ahead of where you are
now. Go for it!

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