Friday, December 28, 2018


There is an old observation that achievement is a
combination of having more, doing more and becoming more,
and the challenge is to get those three in the right order.
Traditionally, most people assume that if they had more,
they would achieve more, and of course, they would then
become more. Unfortunately, it rarely works that way. We
almost never get "more." Certainly, we never get "more"
time since time just "is" and goes by, day by day.
Sometimes a venture capitalist will invest in our ideas or
we discover a skill we never knew we had, but those things
are rare and hard to predict in advance.
The major opportunity available to each of us is to "become
more." Indeed my mentor, Jim Rohn has said that
"to have more, we must first become more," and I believe he
is correct.
So the question becomes, how do we "become more"?
As I prepare to lead my 10-week class, "Alive, Awake and
Aware" in January, I've been focused on the idea that ALL
achievement begins with personal development. A child
develops her abilities by learning to walk, to talk, to tie
her shoes and put away her toys. Later, in adolescence, a
young man learns to drive, do algebra or get his first job.
As young adults, we learn to pay our bills, buy a home or
pursue a career.
All of these milestones represent our ability to "become
more" than we were previously.
Philosophers may argue about the details, but as a
practical matter, to do more and have more, we must first
BECOME MORE. I think that is an essential piece and we
must get clear about it.
If you have goals for 2019, the first fundamental question
is, "Who must you become to achieve those things?"
We all know that temporary changes can be made by brute
force and sheer will-power. Anyone can lose a couple of
pounds by following the latest fad diet for a few days.
Anyone can stay on a budget for a day, perhaps even a week
or two. We know we can make TEMPORARY changes by setting
external goals, getting instruction or increasing our self-
discipline. But unfortunately, we also know what usually
happens after that first blush of enthusiasm.
The truth is that PERMANENT change happens when WE change.
When that kid learns to drive, he "becomes" a driver!
The first step to growth, achievement and joy in 2019 is to
set your targets and define exactly what you want to
achieve in the new year. But the primary key to actually
GETTING those things is to focus on personal development.
As you become more in 2019, the "doing" that leads to
"having" becomes easy.
Unfortunately, too many people never figure this out. They
set goals. They dream and perhaps they attend the
workshops, read the books or follow the latest guru, and
they achieve some success. They reach some of their goals
and hit some of their targets, and that is wonderful!
But the key to lasting success, joy, fulfillment and true
achievement begins with personal development. As you
"become more in 2019", your life will inevitably expand.
You will do more. You'll meet new people. You'll learn
new skills, get more done, and end up having more of the
life you always wanted.
To have and do more, we must first become more. If you
first set that as your theme for the new year, everything
else will be much, much easier. To reach your goals,
"Become more in 2019!"

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