Wednesday, May 22, 2019


This week, I've been reminded of three of life's most
powerful truths. Each of them deserves an IMPACT's all by
itself, and perhaps I should make a series out of them, but
I can't wait to share them with you. Patience and waiting
are not always a virtue, so I want to give you all three at
once. I'll try to be clear and brief, so hold on!

Truth #1: "How we live our days is how we live our lives."

This quote from Annie Dillard is one of the most important
things I know. Every week, I talk with people who say that
"some day" they'll create the life they truly want, but they
always have an excuse why they can't do it now. Right?
Obviously, some dreams require patience while we move
toward them, but many of our most important dreams take no
time at all! You can have them TODAY! Do you want a better
relationship? Do you want to be more fit, have more
energy, have more fun, or be more relaxed? Do you want
more time with your kids or your parents? Would your ideal
life involve more humor, more laughter, more love? Why are
you waiting?
Reach out to someone you love. Read a good book. Go for a
run, or get a massage. Tell a joke, hold someone's hand,
send them a card. What are you waiting for? These things
don't cost a penny, and they are available right now.
Whatever your ideal looks like, move toward it this week.
Take control! Set your alarm clock, adjust your schedule,
and move toward your ideal life. The way you live your
days is ultimately the way you live your whole life!

Truth #2: "We become what we think about most."

This quote has been credited to many people, from Aristotle
to Marianne Williamson, so I don't know who said it first,
but it is TRUE!
The things we think about become the themes, the focus, and
the center of our lives, and we control the things we think
about, every day.
Right now, as you read this, think about the color blue.
Now, think about elephants. Now, think about being sick,
or being poor. See? You can think about love or success
or fun or health or anything else you focus your thoughts
upon. Is that all there is to "success"? Of course not!
But focusing your thoughts on the things that enrich your
life and make you happy can't hurt, either. The things we
think about most, will surely influence the direction of
our lives. Choose wisely!

Truth #3: "To have more, you must first become more."

This is a wonderful quote from my teacher and friend, Jim
Alcoholics Anonymous defines insanity as "doing the same
thing over and over, hoping for a different result", and
yet that's what many of us do every day. We go to work
with the same skills and the same attitudes we had last
year, hoping for a different outcome. Or, we talk to our
kids with the same tone of voice and using the same words,
but hoping for a different response. That is crazy!
To change your outer life, first change your inner life.
Improve your skills. Read more and better books. Take
classes. Listen to tapes. Get a coach or talk with
experts. Take notes. Try a new way, or a new approach.
The biggest challenges in life are not to be successful in
business or to become famous, or to win first prize in some
contest. Those things are fun and valuable, too, but the
BIG pieces in life are living well, fulfilling our
potential, and making a difference.
Don't wait for success, and don't wait for tomorrow! Live
your life the way you want to live it. You are in charge
of your schedule. You are in charge of who you hug, how
much you smile, what you think about, and how much you
learn. Of all the creatures on earth, only humans get to
choose how we will live our lives. Don't blow it! Live
well. Focus on the things that enrich your life. Learn.
Grow. Every day, be happy.

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