Friday, May 29, 2020


The greatest test of self-discipline is when you persist  in the face of adversity, and you drive yourself forward  to complete your tasks 100%, no matter how you feel.
Courage has two parts: The first part is the courage to begin, to start, to launch forward with no guarantees of success. The second part is the courage to endure, to persist, when you feel discouraged and want to quit.
a. Your persistence is the measure of your belief in yourself, and in what you  are doing.
b. The more you believe in the goodness and rightness of what you are doing,  the more you will persist.
c. The more you persist, the more you will tend to believe in yourself and what  you are doing. The principles are reversible!
d. Persistence is actually self-discipline in action.
e. Self-discipline leads to self-esteem, a greater sense of personal power, which  leads to greater persistence, which leads to even greater self-discipline in an upward spiral.
f.  “Persistence is to the character of man or woman as carbon is to steel.”  (Napoleon Hill)
g. You actually make yourself into a better, stronger person by persisting when  you feel like quitting.
You take complete control over the development of your own character. Eventually,  you become unstoppable.

   “Persistence is actually self-discipline in action.”

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