Wednesday, July 15, 2020


There is always something for which to be grateful, even when you feel as though your world is at an end. Thinking of things to be grateful for helps many people put life into perspective, especially during tough times. You will have your own personal things to add to this list. Here are some samples of things people can be grateful for daily.
1. Being alive! George Burns often joked in his later years that a great day for him was waking up and not seeing candles, hearing church music, and seeing people attending his funeral.
2. Nature and natural beauty. No matter where you live, there are natural things to look at and appreciate. Rainbows, fluffy clouds and blue skies, the fresh smell of ocean air, the warmth of the sun on a cool day, the coolness of a breeze, or a rain shower on a hot afternoon are all things you can appreciate and enjoy.
3. A home and shelter. Many people take this for granted. Look around most cities and you will see people whose homes are cars, cardboard boxes, bridge underpasses or "shelters".
4. Abundant food to eat. You have a huge selection of good, inspected, healthy food to buy from numerous sources anytime.
5. Friends. So many people are totally alone. If you have a friend, and even kind neighbors, you are better off than many people.
6. Living in a democratic society. Politics aside, most of the world lives in a country where people can have rights such as voting and freedom to worship.

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