Monday, August 31, 2020


In most cases “culture” or organizational climate is used to describe people’s understanding of what things are expected, tolerated, and punished in a workplace. In short, it is “the way things are done around here.” 


Organizational climate results from leader behaviours and personnel practices (e.g., hiring, compensation, or training), but it’s the shared meaning people attach to these things that really matters. Beyond human resources policies, leader behaviours also have an outsized effect on climate. Generally speaking, leaders who want to create a certain climate need to do two things: communicate those expectations and model them.  


Try this: Consider the various workplace cultures you have been a part of. Which did you perform best in? Now consider your current workplace culture. Are you as a leader creating a culture you want to be a part of?

"Relationships matter: A high-quality and respectful relationship between a manager and an employee will result in more seeking out and using feedback. Trust is especially important, as is leadership style that focuses on the recipient’s personal and professional needs." --Jamie Madigan, PhD 

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