Monday, December 28, 2020


"There are two types of men,” said Andrew Carnegie, “who never amount to anything. One is the fellow who never does anything except that which he is told to do. The other is the fellow who never does more than he is told to do. The man who gets ahead does the thing that should be done without being told.” 


Personal initiative is the inner power that starts all action. It is the power that inspires you to finish what you start. It is, in other words, self-motivation. Motivation is the thing that spurs us to action or drives our choices. Successful people move on their own initiative, and they know where they are going before they start.


Try this: When you hit roadblocks, where do you turn? Most of us turn inward and berate ourselves for failures, big and small. Instead of turning inward with negative energy, what would happen if you had faith in yourself and instead turned inward with thoughts of changing roadblocks into solutions? Take a moment to reflect on your current self-talk in the face of failure.

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