Monday, February 9, 2009


You know, whenever you are going to make a major change and begin to undergo a different lifestyle, it is probably good to make a massive move in that direction. Think about it. As the old saying goes, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got!” So if you keep on living the way you are living, you will keep right on with the life that in many ways you wish was changing! So how do you change your life? You change what you are doing!
This is the basic idea behind the military’s Boot Camp. You know the drill. This is where they take a bunch of 18-year-old kids who think they are in pretty good shape, both physically and psychologically and they put them through six weeks of misery! But the misery is intentional!
All of the hard work and physical and mental exercise they put the young folks through is to strengthen them and to prepare them for the jobs they will be performing later on. Could you imagine if the military took a lackadaisical approach and greeted every new recruit with, “Welcome to the Army. We are going to work you easy into your new lifestyle. You can get up tomorrow around ten and brunch will be served at eleven. Come as you are.” No way! They get them accustomed to drastic and massive change because they want them to have drastic and massive change in their lives. The only time they ever got up at four a.m. before was to go fishin’! Now it will be every morning!
So what about a life boot camp? Is it possible? Is it something we could, or should, try? I think for many people, the idea of a six-week period of drastic change would be great for them. Even if they didn’t live that way the rest of their lives they would still probably make a major shift in the direction they want to go and would be happy with the results they would receive.
So here are some thoughts on ways you could go through a life boot camp. Give it a try for six weeks, just like in boot camp, and see if it doesn’t make a difference in your life. As always, if you are going to do something physically, contact a doctor and if financially, contact your financial advisor before beginning anything.
Health. Try getting up a half hour earlier and going for a walk or a run every day. Perhaps you just skip a half hour of television at night and do it then. Try cutting out desserts or other favorite fattening foods.
Emotions. Make contact with a broken relationship and begin to get together with them to restore your friendship. Take time each day, even if just for fifteen minutes to sit quietly in silence or with some soft music just to quiet your spirit.
Finances. Don’t make any new purchases that aren’t essential for six weeks. Take any extra money you get and pay it all toward your debt. Every nickel!
Spiritual. Attend your local family of faith for six weeks in a row. Take time each day to listen to some spiritual music or read good faith building literature. (This can probably be combined with the time you take for emotions)
These are just some thoughts for you. I am sure you can come up with some of your own. The idea is to make a drastic step in the right direction. Maybe you do all of them; maybe you combine just a few. The goal, however, is to put yourself into a life boot camp situation. That is what will help you change and make you strong!
Come on soldier, the trumpet is blowing!

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