Thursday, June 19, 2014


You cannot manage other people until you can
manage yourself and you cannot organize an
organization until you organize your own life.
Let me share a few tips on how you can develop
more capacity as your vision begins to materialize.
You need to take in heavy things that will
stretch your mind
. Some information may at
first look strange to you until you read or listen
the second and third time. However, you must
read books that are written by world class
organizational leaders. Develop your capacity to
manage and lead because it is very important.
Be a finisher. Be someone who has a reputation
for finishing anything you start. Be a result oriented
Perform at a high level of excellence. If you will
be a skillful person, you have to set high standards
for yourself. Be someone who does not accept mediocrity.
Do not settle for less. Be someone who wants to get the
best all times.
I assumed before that the most important factor in
pastoring was being able to preach and teach. Well,
that is the most important factor but unfortunately
that is not the only important factor. There are other
critical factors.
I discovered that I was weak in management and
leadership and I began to develop myself in those
areas. I still have a long way to go.
I see you succeeding in all areas of your life. I see
your vision coming to pass.

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