Monday, June 9, 2014


There's an saying that you can manage things, but you must
lead people, and it is absolutely critical for leaders to
profoundly "get" that distinction.
In some companies, they have never used the title of
"Manager" because they felt it was essential for every member
of the organization and members of the Board,
down to the newest hire, to know they were hired and paid
to be leaders. If you want to build your business, there is
no alternative.
Many years ago I worked in bank and I want to emphasize
that I worked for and with great people.
But the system encouraged us to be "worker bees" and 
the managers were primarily paper-
shufflers. They were trained to manage the budget, manage
the staff and manage the clients. They were good at those
things, but they were not LEADERS, and both morale and
productivity suffered.
Achievement comes from leaders. Leadership sets the
direction and the pace. Leaders model appropriate
attitudes, behaviors, and values. Great leaders never have
to refer to the company policy manual or explain the
mission statement because from a new employee's first day
they see, taste, smell and "get" what the company is all
Ford Motor Company used to have a slogan that "Quality was
job one", and it's a great slogan, but there's an even
better slogan when it comes to selecting, promoting and
rewarding people in executive and decision-making roles:
Leadership is Job One!
To grow your business, select, train, support and empower
leaders. They'll take you places!

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