Friday, July 5, 2019


We just entered the second half of 2019.  
This is a great time to evaluate the first half of the year, contemplate what we want to accomplish for the second half and develop a plan to make it happen.  
How is 2019 going for you?
To help you with your second half, I am going to share a few ideas that I have come across to assist with this process.
1. Review your accomplishments from the first half of the year.  Identify what worked well and what changes need to be made.
2. Re-evaluate your goals for the year. Did you want to continue with your goals for the year or make changes?
3.  Update your plan to achieve these goals. What major changes need to be implemented? 
4. Find the resources that you need to succeed.  You can’t be successful in a vacuum. What resources do you need in the second half of 2019?
5. Identify the skills that you need to develop. What skills do you need and how are you going to develop these new skills?
6.  Remove the blocks that have been keeping you from succeeding. What has been getting in the way of your success? How can you remove these obstacles?
7.  Stay focused!   The world is full of distractions.  What is distracting you from focusing on your goals for the year? How are you going to avoid those distractions and stay on track?
I am looking forward to a great second half of 2019.

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