Wednesday, July 4, 2012


High self-esteem and self-acceptance are the critical elements in sales success. Think about it. Is your value of yourself hindering your success in sales?
The Reactor Core of Your Personality
Your self-esteem is the most important part of your character. This is the emotional part of your self-concept. It is the "reactor core" of your inner power. It is the emotional component of your life. It is the most important single element determining your attitude and your personality. It is the key to your success in life.
The Definition of Self-Esteem
Your self-esteem is best defined as how much you like yourself. The more you like yourself, accept yourself and respect yourself as a valuable and worthwhile person, the higher your self-esteem is. The more that you feel that you are an excellent human being, the more positive and happy you are.
The Source of Self-Motivation
Your self-esteem determines your level of energy, enthusiasm and self-motivation. Your level of self-esteem is the control valve on your performance and effectiveness. Your self-esteem is like the fuel in the first and second stages of a rocket blasting off from Cape Canaveral. People with high self-esteem do well at everything they attempt.
Who Do You Want to Be?
Your self-ideal can be defined as the person you want most to be, sometime in the future. Your self-ideal determines the direction of your life, of your growth and evolution as a person. Your self-image, on the other hand, determines the way you perform in the present. You self-image is the way you are now, today, this moment. Your self-esteem is largely determined by the relationship between your self-image, how you are performing in your day-to-day activities, and your self-ideal, the way you would perform if you were the very best person you could be.
Strive For Congruency and Alignment
The more that your day-to-day activities are consistent with the person you want to become, the higher is your self-esteem. If your ideal is to be well-organized, calm, positive and working progressively toward the achievement of your goals, and in reality, you are behaving in a well-organized, calm, positive manner, working step-by-step toward your objectives, you will have a high, healthy level of self-esteem. You will like and respect yourself. You will feel calm and confident. You will feel happy, healthy and optimistic. You will be a high-performance personality.
Develop the Keys to Sales Success
Self-esteem is the foundation of a positive self-concept. High self-esteem and self-acceptance are the critical elements in sales success. The more you like and respect yourself, the better you perform at everything you do. Developing and maintaining high levels of self-esteem is the most important thing you can do, every day, in building yourself to the point where you are capable of achieving all your goals.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, repeat to yourself the words, “I like myself! I like myself!” again and again throughout the day. These powerful words make you feel happier and perform better.
Second, think continually about your successes, your high points and your “wins.” The more you think about your best moments and experiences, the more you like and respect yourself and the better you do.

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