Friday, May 9, 2014



You’ve invested months with your account and are about ready to close. But even

after all of your hard work, your customer wants a discount before he signs.

Could we have done better to uncover the bases during the sales process to avoid

this last minute negotiation? Remember that while negotiations typically arise at

the end of a cycle, it should be an activity that begins at the start of the sales cycle

and continues to the end. A couple of key rules for successful negotiations:

1. Negotiation affects long-term relationships. What you do now with your

customers can affect the opportunity to continue to win business in the


2. The solution still needs to satisfy the customer’s business goals. This

includes business challenges and personal interests that may or may not

be readily visible within the sale.

Introducing your strategy for negotiation early on allows customers to see that

your goal is to ultimately arrive at a solution that is good for both parties. When

you indicate that a Win for them is a Win for you, customers are likely to provide

you more access to their business challenges, motivations and other factors that

could influence the success of your sale.











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