Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I want to sing the praises of two local businesses. You
probably have similar examples where you live, but in
Eugene two local businesses dominate their markets not
because of what they sell, but because of what they give
One is a golf shop called "Fiddler's Green." The story is
that Mr. Whalen had a heart attack and was advised to quit
his job, so he found some land and opened a store. Now a
few years later, they are one of the largest golf equipment
and apparel shops in the world! People drive from all over
to shop, and tourists make a point to stop at "Fid's".
Here's my story:  I bought a golf bag and used it for over
two years until the carry strap broke. I liked the bag and
wanted to buy another one. Instead, when I took it in, Al
cheerfully replaced it for free! Did he lose money on that
deal? Of course he did. Did he gain a life-time customer?
Yes, he did.
How about your local hardware store? Here in Eugene,
everyone shops at "Jerry's."  A few years ago, they drove
one large national chain out of town, and they still give
Home Depot a run for every dollar. How? Through service,
support, and experts to answer customer questions. Jerry's
hires dozens of retired plumbers, carpenters, contractors
and painters to answer customer questions. You can't beat
Lots of places sell tools and plumbing supplies, but nobody
competes with Jerry's for service and support. Last
Saturday I actually had to wait to get into the parking
What's the point? Simply this:  We do business with people
we like, with people we trust, and with people who have
demonstrated a willingness to go the extra mile. That's the
value of providing great service!

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