Monday, September 8, 2014


The most common problem people talk about when they request
coaching is "staying motivated." Sometimes they talk about
losing focus, being discouraged, having too much to do, or
"procrastination," but what it boils down to is that they
aren't achieving as much as they would like.
We all have things that are important to us. We have goals,
or a dream, or maybe some obligations we are duty-bound to
complete, but we aren't making the progress we know we
could. Some people work hard for a while, then slack off.
Others procrastinate and "never get to it." Some "don't
know how to get started" or are too tired.
At bottom, the issue is motivation.
The fact is that we always do the things we are intensely
motivated to do. Ask a teenager how hard they'll work to
make the team or get their driver's license. Ask yourself
how many all-nighters you pulled to pass an important test
or to complete a term paper in college. Ask yourself about
the times you've worked impossibly hard to achieve
something you "had" to get done!
There's a wonderful story about a young man who travelled
the world and climbed a mountain to get an interview with a
famous guru. When they finally met, the man said, "I'll do
anything to find wisdom. Will you help me?" Without a word,
the guru silently led the young man to a nearby lake and
suddenly pushed his head under water. After the man
thrashed and fought for a moment, the guru let him up,
where he immediately gasped for air. The guru then said,
"When you desire wisdom as badly as you wanted that breath
of air, you'll find it."
Isn't that the truth? When we are motivated, nothing can
stand in our way!
So, how do we stay motivated? Here are a few keys:
1.  Be clear! You can hit almost any target if you define
it clearly enough. It's hard to stay motivated for a vague
or distant goal. Be specific. Be precise and concrete. You
will be far more motivated to increase sales by 10% than to
make "more" this month.
2.  Have an action plan. If you have a "map" and know the
next step, you are much more motivated to do it. "Baby-
steps" less sexy and exciting, but are always easier and
more do-able than "giant leaps." It's relatively hard to
stay motivated for years to put a million dollars in the
bank, but it's easy to start saving $500 this month. Have a
clear, do-able action-oriented plan. Then, consistently
take one step after another.
3.  Surround yourself with positives. Zig Ziglar made a
wonderful observation that "people complain motivation
doesn't last. Well, neither does a shower. That's why I
recommend both every day." Read, listen to audio programs,
talk with exciting people and surround yourself with things
that energize you! We live in a "bad news world." It wears
everyone down! To counter this, surround yourself  with
things that energize, challenge and excite you.
4.  The "Breakfast of Champions." With apologies to
Wheaties™, you've got to re-commit to your most important
priorities, goals and plans every single day. Personally, I
begin every morning with about 20 minutes focusing on my
major priorities. If I don't, the day "gets away from me."
In the rush of the day, minor "emergencies" will beat
strategic action every time. Start every day by reviewing
and re-affirming your most important objectives. What one
or two things absolutely, positively MUST get done today?
5.  Have lots of cheerleaders! I think this may be the most
important, easiest, and most-often over-looked item.
Recruit friends and partners to hold you accountable. Teach
them to support and encourage you. Pick their brains for
good ideas, and report back to them regularly. Form and use
a MasterMind team! Hire an expert coach! With
the right team of cheerleaders, you can accomplish

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